Discover the Truth with Truth Tracker

Track and verify accurate information to make informed decisions.

Truth Solutions

Empowering you with tools to combat misinformation and disinformation

Simple Tools to Combat Mis/disinformation

Provide easy to access and understand tools to track and tackle mis/information

Data Analysis for Political Engagement

Analyze data trends and patterns to identify mis/disinformation during political campaigns to ensure reliable information

Real-time Tracking

Monitor social media platforms to stay updated with the latest information

Real-time Tracker

Provide one-on-one social media monitoring interaction

Community Engagement

Access, discuss, and share verified information with the Truth Tracker community


Verify the accuracy of news articles and posts to separate fact from fiction

Customized Alerts

Receive tailored alerts and notifications for topics of interest or concern

Source Investigation

Investigate and evaluate the sources and credibility of stories before sharing

The Challenges We Face


Truths, Lies & Votes – Assessing the Impact of Social Media on the 2023 Elections in Nigeria

Executive Summary

Mitigating Strategies and Recommendations

How to Identify Fake News

Introduction to Media & Information Literacy

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common inquiries about Truth Tracker

We employ a combination of fact-checking methods, source investigation, and data analysis to ensure the accuracy of information.

Yes, you can access Truth Tracker on multiple devices through our website.

We prioritize the privacy and security of our users’ data and have stringent measures in place to protect personal information.

You can report misinformation using our contact page and our team will investigate and take necessary action.

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